SCSI Odometer was written by Optima Technology, a manufacturer of hard disk subsystems. SCSI Odometer may be freely distributed but not sold or modified.
To install SCSI Odometer put it in the System Folder of the startup disk and Restart. Open the Control Panel from the Apple menu and select the SCSI Odometer icon. Select the SCSI ID you wish to monitor. SCSI Odometer only monitors file manager calls to the the selected SCSI device so disk utilities that make direct SCSI calls will bypass SCSI Odometer. If you select a different SCSI ID to monitor, the previous totals will be maintained unless you clear them.
The display keeps a running total of read and write calls and the bytes transferred since the start date. Max, Min, and Avg show the bytes transferred during a given call. SCSI Odometer has two display registers: 'Trip1' and 'Trip2'. Use Trip2 to benchmark a particular session while Trip1 records total drive activity. To clear a trip register, hold down the command key and press Clear.
The ñ number is the percent of performance degradation experienced when mirroring. This is derived from the equation:
ñ = (1-((RW + 1) / (RW + 2))) * 100
where RW is the ratio of reads to writes. For more information about mirroring, contact an authorized Optima Technology dealer.
SCSI Odometer preserves and maintains the trip information in a file named 'SCSI Odom.DOC' in the System Folder.